"Every blade of grass has an angel that bends over it and whispers, "Grow! Grow!" ~ The Talmud
Growth is not always easy. We all need an angel bending over us whispering encouragement to keep growing. As a child I would cry over the pain of growth in my legs so my parents would take turns rubbing my legs till the pain subsided then encouraging me that someday soon I would reach my full height and no longer have "growing pains."
They were correct. That physical pain soon passed. But personal inner growth and development pain and joy and excitement and wonder for life thankfully did not pass.
I grew up encouraged by "angels," my truly great mentors and coaches, to stay actively involved in the very real, very deep work of awareness, character development and joy (Yes, joy!) to actively seek to be the best of who I am "fearfully and wonderfully" created to be.
Welcome to Life. Coaching. Wonder. Discovery.
To your Life!